Price: £3,000
Height: 13.2 hands
Colour: Chestnut Roan
Gender: Mare
Age: 8 years old
8 years
Caramel has heaps of talent and presence, will turn her hoof to anything!
Always enthusiastic and keen to please. Lovely to deal with and good manners on the ground at home and at shows.
Happy to steady up for less competent kids but many gears and scope for a capable jockey wanting to do bigger and trickier things.
Caramel is a good consistent jumper, she loves xc and has had lots of wins and places in the local shows.
She is well schooled and super out hacking, never phased by the noisiest or biggest traffic!
She has been great local show jumping and speedy against the clock when asked. Great confirmation and movement
Never sick or sorry. She’s a good old fashioned type with plenty of stamina.
Contact Name: Frankie Penford
Contact Number: 07480256811